Wednesday, June 5, 2013

photo team

Stefan has been taking photos of flowers and making them the only part of the picture with color, so I tried to do that too. He also has a lot of negative space in his photos, so I darkened parts of the bush behind him.

Maria has a lot of pictures of signs and usually puts a lot of contrast. She also takes a lot of pictures of buildings and architecture, so I had her stand in front of a wall (with a sign) that could be thought of as part of a house.

John takes a lot of pictures of nature, so I had him sit in front of some green plants. He has been using the liquify effect, so I tried to add that element in as well. I didn't go all out with that effect like he does sometimes, but I added a small wave to experiment with it.

Nora takes photos of nature. I had her stand in front of a flower bush. She adds contrast and bright colors. I tried to do that, but it's not my favorite thing to do. I don't think I did that well, either. She's taken photos of reflections too, so there's a reflection of Stefan's face in his camera.

Cara has a lot of pictures of texture. I had her stand in front of the exact pole that she's been photographing. She usually intensifies her photos and really makes them pop out, so I tried to do that as well. Most of her photos are black and white, so I decreased the saturation on some parts of the picture, causing a sort of black and white effect.

Roxie's photos mainly consist of structure and reflections. There's a reflection in the truck window. I had her sit on a newspaper stand in front of a parked UPS truck. The truck provides angle and structure, while the sky and her hair seem a bit more relaxed. Some of her photos are completely architectural, while others can have more "free" elements or fluidity. The sky in her pictures is usually dull and a bit faded, so I tried to do that too.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

spring series 3

For this series I continued with portraits of people, and sort of went back to my first topic, using two pictures for each model. I wanted to have them in the same position, but with the second one, they're happy and laughing. I liked this project and would like to continue in the future.

Monday, May 13, 2013

spring series 2

I wanted to take pictures of people when they didn't really know they were being taken. Like, when they were fixing their hair, or scratching their head, or doing something, but not posing. They may be bad pictures, but I think they capture their being and nature.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

spring series

For this series, I wanted to do portraits. I wanted a picture of the person making a face for the camera, and another with them not really knowing that I took a picture, or the """real""" them. I wanted to edit it to make it really bright and nostalgic, but I'm not sure if that worked. I might do this next week, too.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

personal series 4

 For this series, I wanted to make my collages really simple. I wanted just one main subject, and then a background that worked well with it. I tried to make a pathway for the viewer's eyes to follow, but it didn't work out for all of them. I wanted to make them interesting without saying or putting much in. For my next set I'll probably go back to putting a lot more into them if I have enough time.

Monday, March 11, 2013

personal series 3

One of my goals for this series was to really focus on repetition. I also wanted to make my collages even simpler, but still be interesting and have some sort of flow to them. I tried making them so thatthe viewer's eyes would follow in a certain direction.